Nothin' more precious than baby chicks..... and there is nothin' I appreciate more than a mama hen who loves her chicks and takes good care of instead of me.... not that I don't enjoy personally picking 'em out and bringing those tiny fluffy little cute adorable things home from the feed store...and then there's the pickin' 'em up from the post office after ordering just seems so....oh... I don't know..... the best part about that was walking into the post office and immediately hearing the "peep peep peeps" echoing through the halls. I always knew what that meant.... "it's about time you got here....get us the heck out of this stinking box!"
Just the memory of keepin' them warm, fed and watered (how many times a day did I clean out that water thing) makes my grateful heart oh so big ...and then there's the cleaning out the pin thing ... and the room it takes up in my laundry room.... oh thank you mama hen.... i'm gonna have to name you.... you deserve a name...
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