Monday, April 1, 2013

Country Girl's Prayer...

Overwhelmingly and abundantly blessed.... I repeat these words with an attitude of gratefulness every morning as I walk through our place attempting to make sense of "the everywhere I look something needs my attention and right now" struggle and try to prioritize.  I remind myself that these are all things I hoped, dreamed and prayed for and can't imagine life without.  

But... all this abundance doesn't take care of itself.  Nor is it without disappointment... nor my mistakes.  

Yesterday morning at daybreak I doctored one of my hens and went to Easter service hiding "Blue Coat" stains on my finger tips.  Believe it or not,  never in over 30 years have I ever had an outbreak of poultry mites.  It was a huge lesson... broke my heart to think I let it happen.... and an incredible amount of work coming at a time when we were already exhausted and overworked.  And family was coming for dinner.

The Lord just opened up his hands and said here you go....

I remember an evening four years ago when a neighbor called and told me to make a place for my bees... they would be arriving at daylight.  It was a surprise to me... but I took it as His gift.... because He knew what was in my heart.  I got my beloved bees knowing nothing about them.... but learned very quickly and they have been such a joy and quickly multiplied.  

One of the six colonies seemed unusually quiet this spring and I had come to terms with the "worst".  Last week when I finally had "the time" to open it up my heart cried in anguish.   They were gone... but not without leaving me their huge... incredibly awesome special gift that they had worked so hard to give me... an entire super full of thick frames of solid honey.... but because of my lack of judgment it had spent the last several months without bees to keep it from fermenting.  An entire super of beautiful molded and fermented honey... 

but ... after my hearts's desire whispered in His ear....

I've been waiting for two weeks for my does to kid.... I suspected one might not be pregnant... but certainly the other.  They had been fed the perfect diet.... my birthing kit was ready.... I'd watched every "You Tube" video available.  My husband had worked so hard to finish the new kidding pen in time.... but no babies will be bouncing around in it this year.  I even slept at the barn four nights in anticipation...  

my country girl's prayer....

Such lessons.   A survivor at a very young age I am rarely discouraged. Today I am humbly reflecting on His grace... somehow I feel like I need forgiveness.   In this picture of my grandchildren taken after Easter service yesterday, I am reminded that we are all on a journey... thankfully His grace is sufficient for each and every day... and thankfully tomorrow is another day in which I am...

Overwhelmingly and abundantly blessed....


In the Garden....

In the Garden....


In From the Garden...

In From the Garden...