Friday, August 19, 2011

We had barely gotten here when one of our neighbors a mile up the road told us of her harrowing experience going to bed one night recently. As her head hit the pillow she heard something banging on the outside wall above her head and looked up into the eyes and face of a huge black bear, paws outstretched on both sides of the window she had just closed. Hummm….

Another neighbor brought his shotgun over for me to keep until the boys get back from their trip.. just in case I need it…says bears have been a problem this year… dang… that’s the second time I’ve heard that and only been here less than 24 hours.

And if that’s not enough… nicknamed… the “Kila Pack”…. a pack of large grey wolfs is putting everyone here on high alert. Typically, the sound of a far off wolf call and the news that bear and moose scat is found on our property are great news to us….one of the reasons we love where we are… nothin’ more than a “heads up” to pay attention while we’re outside working … would have preferred this news another year. So… I work outside in this beautiful place with my bear spray in my back pocket… just in case and know the boys have guns and spray.

Quite frankly… I’m more concerned about whatever it is that’s living in the walls of my cabin…

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